
Telehealth app connecting patients with doctors

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Virtual MD is a telehealth app connecting patients with doctors. The comprehensive design allows patients to create private notes and schedule appointments, doctors to track appointments and provide care, and admins to view analytics.

We’ve built a simpe plan:
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Information gathered through multiple client meetings.

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User stories added to backlog of Jira.

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Clickable prototypes created for visual representation of app flow.

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Information gathered through multiple client meetings. User stories added to backlog of Jira. Clickable prototypes created for visual representation of app flow. NodeJS uses for back-end, while Swift and Java used for iOS and Android. Angular used for admin panel.


Client viewed progress and updates via a project portal. Project coordinated using Jira, Slack, and daily scrums. Dev team collaborated with client for Apple Developer, Google Console, Twilio, and Stripe accounts. 2-week sprints used for review and client input. 2-wees of UAT provided after completion when apps went live.

App development for three platforms

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Analysis and ASO strategy

iOS and Android ready. Doctors create schedules that patients can book. Calendar application to view, select, and book appointments. Extra services can be added based on the doctor’s preferences. Secure payment system available. ‘Book Now’ feature for urgent booking to the next available doctor. ‘Upcoming Appointments’ section. Patient private notes section. Follow up and future appointment setting after completion of a visit. Admin has access to all appointments, search capabilities, and analytics.

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